Aqui coloco um artigo com um código que determina a primeira letra da unidade de CD-ROM, retornando uma variável como string, em seguida mostra numa caixa de mensagens. Isso seria útil para acessar arquivos contidos em um CD.' ********************************************************************** ' ' FUNCTION: ' GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter() ' ' PURPOSE: ' Finds the first CD-ROM device and then returns its drive letter. ' ' ARGUMENTS: ' None ' ' RETURNS: ' A string that represents the first CD-ROM drive letter. If the ' function fails for any reason, it returns vbNullString. ' ' ********************************************************************** Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal nDrive As String) As Long Declare Function GetLogicalDriveStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetLogicalDriveStringsA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Public Const DRIVE_CDROM As Long = 5 Function GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter() As String ' Declare variables. Dim lDriveType As Long Dim strDrive As String Dim lStart As Long: lStart = 1 ' Create a string to hold the logical drives. Dim strDrives As String strDrives = Space(150) ' Get the logial drives on the system. ' If the function fails it returns zero. Dim lRetVal As Long lRetVal = GetLogicalDriveStrings(150, strDrives) ' Check to see if GetLogicalDriveStrings() worked. If lRetVal = 0 Then ' Get GetLogicalDriveStrings() failed. GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter = vbNullString Exit Function End If ' Get the string that represents the first drive. strDrive = Mid(strDrives, lStart, 3) Do ' Test the first drive. lDriveType = GetDriveType(strDrive) ' Check if the drive type is a CD-ROM. If lDriveType = DRIVE_CDROM Then ' Found the first CD-ROM drive on the system. GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter = strDrive Exit Function End If ' Increment lStart to next drive in the string. lStart = lStart + 4 ' Get the string that represents the first drive. strDrive = Mid(strDrives, lStart, 3) Loop While (Mid(strDrives, lStart, 1) <> vbNullChar) End FunctionSegue um exemplo que chama a função GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter()Sub Main Dim strDriveLetter as String ' Call the GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter() and store the ' return value in strDriveLetter. strDriveLetter = GetFirstCdRomDriveLetter() ' Display the drive letter in a message box. MsgBox strDriveLetter End SubReference:Tags: VBA, Tips, CR-ROM, Drive Letter
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VBA Tips - Código de exemplo determinar a letra de unidade de CD-ROM - Sample Code to Determine CD-ROM Drive Letter
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