Alguns dos Dashboards desenvolvidos no MS Excel, permitem que os usuários mudem o tipo de gráfico visualizado. Isso é muito produtivo quando contribui para a compreensão dos dados. Mas, é importante lembar que alguns tipos de gráficos não ficam disponíveis para as PivotChart Report.
Seria útil saber quais são as propriedades (do tipo constantes), que ChartType do objeto ChartObjects suporta:
xlLine. Line |
xlLineMarkersStacked. Stacked Line with Markers |
xlLineStacked. Stacked Line |
xlPie. Pie |
xlPieOfPie. Pie of Pie |
xlPyramidBarStacked. Stacked Pyramid Bar |
xlPyramidCol. 3D Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColClustered. Clustered Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColStacked. Stacked Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Column |
xlRadar. Radar |
xlRadarFilled. Filled Radar |
xlRadarMarkers. Radar with Data Markers |
xlStockHLC. High-Low-Close |
xlStockOHLC. Open-High-Low-Close |
xlStockVHLC. Volume-High-Low-Close |
xlStockVOHLC. Volume-Open-High-Low-Close |
xlSurface. 3D Surface |
xlSurfaceTopView. Surface (Top View) |
xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe. Surface (Top View wireframe) |
xlSurfaceWireframe. 3D Surface (wireframe) |
xlXYScatter. Scatter |
xlXYScatterLines. Scatter with Lines. |
xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers. Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers |
xlXYScatterSmooth. Scatter with Smoothed Lines |
xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers. Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers |
xl3DArea. 3D Area |
xl3DAreaStacked. 3D Stacked Area |
xl3DAreaStacked100. 100% Stacked Area |
xl3DBarClustered. 3D Clustered Bar |
xl3DBarStacked. 3D Stacked Bar |
xl3DBarStacked100. 3D 100% Stacked Bar |
xl3DColumn. 3D Column |
xl3DColumnClustered. 3D Clustered Column |
xl3DColumnStacked. 3D Stacked Column |
xl3DColumnStacked100. 3D 100% Stacked Column |
xl3DLine. 3D Line |
xl3DPie. 3D Pie |
xl3DPieExploded. Exploded 3D Pie |
xlArea. Area |
xlAreaStacked. Stacked Area |
xlAreaStacked100. 100% Stacked Area |
xlBarClustered. Clustered Bar |
xlBarOfPie. Bar of Pie |
xlBarStacked. Stacked Bar |
xlBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Bar |
xlBubble. Bubble |
xlBubble3DEffect. Bubble with 3D effects |
xlColumnClustered. Clustered Column |
xlColumnStacked. Stacked Column |
xlColumnStacked100. 100% Stacked Column |
xlConeBarClustered. Clustered Cone Bar |
xlConeBarStacked. Stacked Cone Bar |
xlConeBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Bar |
xlConeCol. 3D Cone Column |
xlConeColClustered. Clustered Cone Column |
xlConeColStacked. Stacked Cone Column |
xlConeColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Column |
xlCylinderBarClustered. Clustered Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderBarStacked. Stacked Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderCol. 3D Cylinder Column |
xlCylinderColClustered. Clustered Cone Column |
xlCylinderColStacked. Stacked Cone Column |
xlCylinderColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Column |
xlDoughnut. Doughnut |
xlDoughnutExploded. Exploded Doughnut |
xlLineMarkers. Line with Markers |
xlLineMarkersStacked100. 100% Stacked Line with Markers |
xlLineStacked100. 100% Stacked Line |
xlPieExploded. Exploded Pie |
xlPyramidBarClustered. Clustered Pyramid Bar |
xlPyramidBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar |
Segue exemplo de como usar essas constantes:
Este exemplo define o tamanho do gráfico de Bolhas num grupo com 200% do tamanho padrão, caso o gráfico esteja no padrão Bolhas 2D.
With Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart If .ChartType = xlBubble Then .ChartGroups(1).BubbleScale = 200 End If End With
Tags: VBA, Excel, chart, dynamic, Chart Object, Series, Type, Property, chart, Gráfico, tipo, série, objeto , Bolhas, Bubbles