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PIECE OF CAKE - Convertendo Texto em Imagem - Convert Text to an Image using the VBA Windows API

Nesta época de Mídias Sociais e grande necessidade de publicarmos KPIs e Dashboards com insights baseados em informações atualizadas, termos uma solução como a demonstrada abaixo será muito útil no dia a dia.

Sub PublishExcelRangeAsImage (r As Excel.Range, stFileNamePathForImage As String, Optional stImageType = "BMP")
 ' Copies a range in Excel, converts it to a picture, and saves it as an image file.
 ' r = The range you want to copy and convert to an image.
 ' stFileNamePathForImage = Full path, without the period (.) and extension of the destination file.
 ' stImageType = The extension for the filename; also determines the type of image saved to disk.
 ' stImageType can be "bmp", "gif", or "jpg". "bmp" is default.
 Dim c As Excel.Chart
 Dim wsSave
 Dim wbSave As Excel.Workbook
 Dim fDisplayAlerts As Boolean

 stImageType = UCase(stImageType)
 ' In case another Workbook is active, save it so we can restore it when we are done.
 ' We need to do this because, later, we will change the active sheet to a chart.
 Set wbSave = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
 Set wsSave = wbSave.ActiveSheet
 ' Create a temporary chart object. This is where the image will be created.
 Set c = r.Worksheet.Parent.Charts.Add
 ' In Excel 2007, a new chart is no lonter empty; therefore, clear it.

 c.ChartArea.Height = r.Height * 2 ' Make sure the ChartArea is bigger than
 c.ChartArea.Width = r.Width * 2 ' the image, or image will be made smaller
 ' Copy the image from the range object to the chart.
 r.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap
 ' Position the image, as Excel doesn't do this well on it's own.
 ' Note, since we cleared the chart before pasting the image,
 ' we can be sure that the image is the only shape on the chart.
 ' Thus, we are safe to directly address shape 1, from the shape
 ' collection and know it's the image.
 Let c.Shapes(1).Left = 0
 Let c.Shapes(1).Top = 0
 Let c.Shapes(1).Height = r.Height
 Let c.Shapes(1).Width = r.Width
 ' Prevent the image from resizing when we resize the chart.
 Let c.Shapes(1).Placement = xlFreeFloating
 ' Now make the chart the same size as the image.
 ' We need to activate the chart first because of a timing issue. If we don't
 ' activate it, the code fails when we set the height, unless we put a delay into the code.
 ' Better to activate it than put in a delay.
 Let c.ChartArea.Height = r.Height
 Let c.ChartArea.Width = r.Width
 ' Save the image as a file.
 c.Export stFileNamePathForImage & "." & stImageType, stImageType
 ' We are done. Delete the chart. Note, we first need to turn off alerts, or else,
 ' Excel prompts us to make sure we really want to delete it.
 Let fDisplayAlerts = Application.DisplayAlerts
 Let Application.DisplayAlerts = False
 Let Application.DisplayAlerts = fDisplayAlerts

 Set c = Nothing
 ' Return focus back to the original workbook/worksheet that was active
 ' when this code began.

 Set wbSave = Nothing
 Set wsSave = Nothing

End Sub

#A&A #API #Converter #Dashboard #Imagem #KPI #PIECEOFCAKE #Text #Texto #WindowsAPI #POC #VBA 

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