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PIECE OF CAKE - Defina a Latitude e a Longitude - Find Latitude and Longitude of any address using Google Map API and VBA

Digamos que queira saber a Latitude e a Longitude de qualquer endereço. Como faria? Poderá usar a solução abaixo:

Function Lat_Lon (a_t As String, c_t As String, s_t As String, co_t As String, z_t As String)

Dim sURL As String
Dim BodyTxt As String
Dim apan As String, la_t As String, lo_g As String
Dim oXH As Object

' Criando a URL

Let sURL = """"
Let sURL = sURL & Replace(a_t, " ", "+") & ",+" & _
                                Replace(c_t, " ", "+") & ",+" & _
                                Replace(s_t, " ", "+") & ",+" & _
                                Replace(co_t, " ", "+") & ",+" & ",+" & _
                                Replace(z_t, " ", "+") & ",+" & "&sensor=false"""

' Informando o URL para o browse

Set oXH = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")

With oXH

.Open "get", sURL, False
End With

Let apan = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(BodyTxt)


Let apan = Right(apan, Len(apan) - InStr(1, apan, "<lat>") - 4)
Let la_t = Left(apan, InStr(1, apan, "</lat>") - 1)


Let apan = Right(apan, Len(apan) - InStr(1, apan, "<lng>") - 4)
Let lo_g = Left(apan, InStr(1, apan, "</lng>") - 1)
Let lat_lon = "Lat:" & la_t & " Lng:" & lo_g

End Function

#A&A #Google #GoogleMap #API #GoogleAPI #VBA #Latitude #Longitude #PIECEOFCAKE #POC

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A&A - Dados ou Informações?


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